Key Stage One (Reception to Year Two)
Our key Stage One provides education for children within the ages of four to seven years old.
At this stage the curriculum is child centered, taking into consideration that children have different intellectual ability. The children are grouped in a variety of ways, so that differentiated activities are provided to meet each child’s needs.
Literacy, Numeracy, Information Technology and Science form the core subjects, whilst other subjects such as History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, French, Music and Physical Education are taught on a cross curricular basis.

Key Stage Two (Year 3 to Year 6)
Our Key Stage Two commenced operation in September 2010 with Year 3.
Here we provide education for children within the ages of 7 to 11
The cores subjects and cross curricular subjects are the same as Key Stage One.
It is important to note that, the expertise of our staff, our extensive resources and focus on technology provides a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures continuity and progression through all the Year groups and a firm foundation for later learning.