Bambini school and her Parents started an Outreach Programme in December 2009.
The focus of the Outreach is to look out for the needy in our local environment and lend a helping hand where we can.
Christmas Outreach
During the Christmas term of 2009, we formed a committee which includes mothers and staff of Bambini School.
Members are Mrs. Adetayo (School Head), Mrs. Toye, and Mrs. David, Mrs. Ogini, (all Bambini Mums).
The Committee identified needs at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). 2009 Christmas, we here able to donate 200 bed sheets/pillowcases, 100 mother & child mosquito nets (donated by SFH) and painted a ward in the Maternity Unit (Ayinke House, Ward B2).
We also gave gift packs to the children in the Pediatric Ward of LASUTH.
Many thanks to all the parents of Bambini School and Sponsors – Nigerian Bottling Co (NBC), Etisalat, MTN, Society for family Health (SFH) Abuja and Sweet Sensation.
Over the years, we have donated books and writing materials to various public schools in Lagos and Ogun state.
We have set up and equipped a library for The Red Cross Orphanage School.
We also received a grant from ———Geneva to provide ‘Back to School Packs’ for children in the public primary schools.
Bambini school renovated Adeniyi Jones Primary School and provided textbook for the children.
In March 2020, we organized a Toiletries Drive and donated over 500 bag of 3 months’ supply of toiletries to children of Ikeja High School.